Option Dates

by Arnold Hipsak

Why did November 2013 have 2 different option dates ie. (Nov 19 and Nov 28) and October have two option dates listed?

"Anadarko" and "Met life" are 2 stocks that were listed that way.

Comment on “Option Dates” query.

TSO Reply: Hi Arnold. I’ve tried to look at the November 2013 options expiration dates on the two stocks that you gave as an example.

However, I’m not able to find the 2 “option dates” that you had mentioned. 19 November 2013 is a Tuesday on third week of the month & 28 November 2013 is a Thursday on the fourth week of the month. These 2 dates are usually not the day that an option will expire. This is especially so for 28 November 2013 which is an Exchange holiday.

The exact date of options expiration is fixed within each month. The last trading day for an option is the Third Friday in the expiration month. You may refer to my site on “Options Expiration Dates" for the on current year Expiration Dates Calendar.

I do note that both stocks have weekly options that expired during the month. Are you referring to them?

A weekly expired option has the same contract specification as a “standard” options contract except for the shorter expiration dates. They expire in a shorter time frame – about one week. Weeklys are usually listed on the exchange on Thursday or Friday and expire in the following Friday.

You may also refer to the updated listed of stocks or indexes listed in Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) that have “Weekly Expired Options”.

The above does not really answer your specific query on options expired on “Nov 19” & “Nov 28”. What I’m trying to do is to guide you to the “usual” stock options expiration date. If it does not solve your query, please let me know where you get the two options dates by posting a comment using the link below & I’ll try to answer it as soon as possible.

Have many profitable trades ahead!

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Oct 07, 2013
listing of options
by: arnold

The explanation given by Stanley Morgan was that due to the political problems(and at times of crisis) they will list the options more frequently. Don't understand but will accept the explanation.

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